Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime! The Inspiring Way draws you into the experience of creative inspiration and lets you channel your hidden creative genius. If you’re an artist and lover at heart and if you’re ready for a deep dive into the realm of creative inspiration, this series is for you. You host and guide, Dr. Victor Shamas, is a noted psychologist, creativity researcher, author, and innovator who has devoted his life to the exploration of creative power, genius, and inspiration. Buckle up for an exciting ride!

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Nature Am I, Episode 2: Human Evolution & COVID-19
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Interview with evolutionary ecologist Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris includes the following:
Introduction to Dr. Sahtouris' work (0:58)
How science can learn from nature (4:47)
The evolution of species from competition to cooperation (5:53)
Human transformation (7:40)
The speed of the current evolutionary shift (9:09)
Global Reboot (12:23)
Building a better future (14:15)
How an evolutionary shift begins (16:23)
Strength in numbers (18:40)
Ways to promote recycling (19:17)
Feeding the world (20:35)
Alternative Currencies and economies (21:48)
Mobilizing Millions (26:40)
Local vs Global Action? (27:24)
Overcoming Fear of the Virus (28:30)
Holistic View of the Pandemic (29:15)
Vaccines (34:06)
Nature-Based Ways to Manage an Epidemic (35:15)
Sentient Plants (36:54)
Restoring Man-Made Deserts (37:19)
Eastern Approaches to Immune Strengthening (37:56)
Nature Inspiration (39:17)
Words from Rumi (41:22)

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Nature Am I, Episode 1: How Can Humanity Thrive?
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Dr. Victor Shamas introduces the themes and objectives of the Nature Am I podcast, focusing on the following topics (time markers included):
A hopeful vision for humanity's future (1:01)
Pandemics and climate change (2:30)
How nature restores balance (5:58)
Humans vs. Nature? (8:08)
Nature inspiration (9:43)
Why "Nature Am I" (10:57)
Nature-inspired solutions (13:45)
Future topics and an invitation to listeners (15:29)